DiagnaMed Unveils BRAIN AGE® Brain Health AI for Launch in Canada

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

DiagnaMed Holdings a healthcare technology firm specializing in AI-driven brain health solutions, has unveiled its groundbreaking product, BRAIN AGE® Brain Health AI.

This innovative tool is designed to estimate brain age and furnish users with a comprehensive brain health score, marking a significant advancement in consumer brain health and wellness.

The AI-driven platform can determine whether an individual's brain is aging faster or slower than the norm for healthy individuals, while also assessing brain health status, including resilience, vulnerability, and performance functions, through clinically validated assessments.

Targeting Canadian-based clinics specializing in health and wellness, sports and physical therapy, mental health, chiropractic care, as well as clinical and academic research for neurological and cognitive disorders, BRAIN AGE® Brain Health AI is now available. 

Canada is leading the charge in endorsing innovative brain health solutions. Additionally, $5 million has been earmarked for the launch of the Centre for Analytics, aimed at bolstering neuroanalytical capabilities and AI model development while optimizing the utilization of data within OBI's research network. 

BRAIN AGE® Brain Health AI stands poised to complement these national efforts to enhance overall brain health.

This revolutionary solution integrates brain age estimation and health assessment tools to flag potential brain health issues. Utilizing neural activity data collected via an affordable and user-friendly electroencephalogram headset, the proprietary machine-learning model calculates brain age.

Source: globenewswire.com