The Impact of Accreditation Programmes on Healthcare Manager Quality

Healthcare providers’ perspectives

Abdullah Algunmeeyn

Abdullah Algunmeeyn

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Abdullah Algunmeeyn holds a PhD degree in nursing specialised in Nursing Administration and Leadership and Quality Management graduated from University of Nottingham, UK. Currently he is working as an Assistant Professor of Nursing within the School of Nursing at Isra University. He is engaged in Nursing research and his researches mainly in the field of nursing management.

Accreditation affects healthcare management in many ways. It impacts management, leadership, and business results beyond clinical standards. Accreditation says strategic management helps hospitals adapt to market and regulatory conditions. Hospital accreditation improves resource use, service quality, and patient satisfaction. Jordan boosts health. Accreditation matters. Accreditation programmes help managers develop evidence-based practices, continuing education, and industry standards. Qualitative project. Thus, 10 nurses at various levels and 10 doctors, including specialists, from two Jordanian hospitals—one private and one public—were interviewed in person. Promote leadership, accountability, engagement, and change. Accreditation tracks KPIs, evidence, and quality. Accreditation improves healthcare leadership and quality. Accreditation improved quality, patient satisfaction, safety, cost-effectiveness, and reputation in sampled hospitals.

High-quality care and the best possible outcomes for patients are only possible in healthcare organisations with strong management (Stern et al., 2017). Healthcare service quality can be evaluated and enhanced with the help of the accreditation programme. Accreditation has an effect on the quality of managers in healthcare organisations, but this is often disregarded despite the fact that its primary focus is on clinical standards (Algunmeeyn,A., & Mrayyan, (2022). In this article, we take a look at how accreditation programmes improve management knowledge, leadership skills, and business results as a whole (Algunmeeyn, Alrawashdeh, & Alhabashneh, (2020).

As a management philosophy, accreditation provides hospitals with a strategic way to differentiate themselves and respond to shifting market conditions and regulatory requirements (Westcott, Duffy, & Saif, 2018). Hospitals are urged to maintain a high level of performance because accreditation is based on these standards, as emphasised by Gyani (2012).

As a result, hospitals implement accreditation programmes in an effort to make better use of their resources, boost the quality of their services, and increase their patients' overall satisfaction (Oliveira & Matsuda, 2016). In turn, this improves medical standards in Jordan and cements the country's position as a leader on the Arabian Peninsula. An example of a hospital in Jordan that is dedicated to improving treatment methods is provided by Saif (2018). A'aqoulah, et al (2016) found that evaluations of Jordan's health care accreditation system found that the country's hospital management systems were created to encourage hospitals to expand their services and facilities. Additionally, these evaluations guarantee the security of healthcare services by centering on crucial administrative infrastructure (Stern et al., 2017).


For the completion of this project, a qualitative approach was utilised. Consequently, in-person interviews were conducted with ten nurses and ten doctors employed at a single public hospital in Jordan. Ten individuals from the two hospitals were interviewed for this study. The researcher interviewed ten nurses and five physicians at the public hospital. The researcher chose semi-structured (face-to-face) interviews for data collection. Two Jordanian hospitals' ethics committees approved the current research. Those who agreed to be interviewed were then sent an email form indicating their participation and permitting the researcher to schedule an interview appointment. Then, consent forms and information sheets were distributed to prospective participants based on their interest in participating in this study. The twenty interviews' data were analysed using the NVivo software for qualitative data analysis. Before data analysis, the audio-recorded interviews were transcribed word-for-word, and these transcriptions were reviewed. Later, the data were imported into the NVivo software for qualitative data analysis in order to facilitate the linking of concepts related to the data.


I. The Importance of Healthcare Accreditation programmes

Accreditation programmes in the healthcare industry provide a framework for evaluating the quality and safety of healthcare organisations (Algunmeeyn, Alrawashdeh, & Alhabashneh, (2020). These programs, which are frequently administered by independent organisations, assess various facets of patient care, including clinical processes, infrastructure, patient safety measures, and governance structures (Algunmeeyn, A., & Mrayyan, (2022). Accreditation demonstrates that a business has met predetermined quality standards and is dedicated to continuous improvement (Ali KAM, Alolayyan, 2013). Typically, accreditation programmes place an emphasis on clinical factors like patient outcomes and safety (Mansour, Boyd, Walshe, 2021 ). However, they also have a significant impact on the calibre of administrators in healthcare organisations(Raut, Narkhede, Gardas, 2017). Through effective management, clinical excellence must be translated into efficient operations, resource optimisation, and positive patient experiences (Algunmeeyn,A., & Mrayyan, (2022).

II. Development of Managerial Skills via Accreditation programmes

Accreditation programmes enhance the managerial abilities of healthcare professionals. These programmes encourage managers to implement evidence-based practices, continue their education, and stay abreast of industry standards and best practices (Badr, AlFadalah, El-Jardali F, 2017) . The accreditation process exposes managers to new ideas, research findings, and innovative approaches to healthcare management. Establishing comprehensive systems for governance, leadership, and staff development is a standard requirement of accreditation programs. Managers receive education and training to bring their skills in line with accreditation standards. This training helps administrators acquire expertise in areas such as financial management, strategic planning, quality improvement, and effective communication (Mrayyan, et al, 2022).

In addition, accreditation programmes promote accountability and quality improvement in healthcare organisations. It is strongly recommended that managers analyse data, identify performance disparities, and implement interventions supported by empirical evidence. This iterative process fosters a continuous improvement mindset among managers, thereby augmenting their decision-making and problem-solving skills. A'aqoulah, et al (2016)

Accreditation and Leadership Development programmes

In addition, accreditation programmes enhance the leadership abilities of healthcare administrators. Leadership is necessary for influencing organisational culture, motivating employees, and fostering change. (Mansour , Boyd , Walshe,2021 ). The accreditation process exposes managers to leadership models, best practices, and the significance of employee engagement.

Accreditation programmes frequently emphasise the establishment of comprehensive leadership structures, including the identification and development of future leaders (Mrayyan, et al, 2022. It is encouraged that managers participate in leadership development programs, mentoring relationships, and professional networks (Gyani (2012). These opportunities enable managers to develop their leadership skills, obtain exposure to diverse perspectives, and learn from the experiences of other leaders in their field (Mansour , Boyd , Walshe,2021 )..

In the context of accreditation programs, leadership development assists managers in becoming effective agents of change (Shaw, 2013). They are taught how to navigate complex healthcare systems, lead multidisciplinary teams, and cultivate a culture of collaboration and innovation. By encouraging leadership development, accreditation programmes contribute to the overall effectiveness and success of healthcare organisations(Mrayyan, et al, 2022).

Organisational performance and accreditation programmes

In the healthcare industry, accreditation programmes improve organisational efficacy. Effective managers who have undergone training and development through accreditation processes are better able to align their organisations with accreditation requirements (American Society for Healthcare Risk Management, 2018). This alignment assures compliance with evidence-based practices, which leads to improved patient outcomes, fewer errors, and increased patient satisfaction (Mrayyan, et al, 2022).

Frequently, accreditation programmes mandate the implementation of quality improvement mechanisms and the monitoring of key performance indicators (Alkhenizan, & Shaw, 2011). Managers play a crucial role in the implementation of these mechanisms, the monitoring of performance data, and the promotion of improvement initiatives (Katoue MG, Somerville, Barake, 2021). Managers contribute to enhanced organisational performance by actively pursuing quality enhancement (Pomey, et al,2010).


Accreditation programmes in healthcare not only focus on clinical standards but also have a significant impact on the quality of managers within organisations. These programmes contribute to the development of managerial skills and leadership abilities, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability. Effective managers, trained and developed through accreditation processes, play a crucial role in aligning organisations with accreditation standards, driving organisational performance, and improving patient outcomes. By recognizing the importance of accreditation programmes in enhancing the quality of managers, healthcare organisations can further strengthen their leadership capabilities and overall effectiveness in delivering high-quality care.

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